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The Significance of a Strong and Professional SOP

The Significance of a Strong and Professional SOP

Unlocking Opportunities: The Significance of a Strong and Professional SOP   If you intend to immigrate to the United States with a student visa, one of the first things you need to familiarize yourself with is the Statement of Purpose (SOP). Undoubtedly, you have read or heard about it multiple times. But let's briefly define this matter:   Statement of…

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Creativity and job opportunities in the US

Creativity and job opportunities in the US

Creativity and job opportunities in the US: Copying what successful people have done is easy, but the thing is that this imitation will not make you successful as they are; in this life, each person has his own path, and you have to find and explore your path for yourself; Oh yes, You can and you should learn from those…

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Can I change my visa status? 

Can I change my visa status? 

Can I change my visa status?  Let’s see!   Before we start anything, I have a question: What is this Status? How is it different from a visa? In the US, a visa means permission to enter the United States, while the status determines the duration of your stay. Therefore, we can say that the visa only lets you enter…

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Dos and Don’ts after a job interview

Dos and Don’ts after a job interview

Dos and Don’ts after a job interview: (Don’ts)   So far, we’ve learned about many things related to a job interview; such as how to write a CV, what not to put in our resume, job interview questions and …; and today we’re going to learn about another important part of “finding a job”: What are we supposed to Do/…

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What should not be included in your Resume?

What should not be included in your Resume?   Writing a resume is perhaps one of the most important parts of finding a job. As you know, the very first things that the employer is going to find about you are all in your resume, therefore, it’s really important to know what to write and what not to write. Today,…

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Be a good employee, climb the ladder of success

Be a good employee, climb the ladder of success:   Yes, to climb the ladder of success, at least in your job, you have to be the best employee; why? First of all, every employer is looking for someone who is the best at what he does and second of all the employer would never ask this kind of employee…

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Job Interview Don’ts

Job Interview Don’ts: Do you want to start a new life in the US? Yes? Do you know what you’re going to need there? Well, a job can bring you things you need, such as friendship, income, the feeling of success, and many more. So I think we all agree that finding a job in the US is a necessity,…

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How to increase my chances in a job interview?

How to increase my chances in a job interview? If you want to immigrate to the US, you should know that finding a job is a must. You need a job to improve, and who doesn’t like to improve? Also, you need a job to pay the rent, pay the universities tuition fees, pay for the food, clothes, and so…

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most frequently asked questions in a job interview

Questions and answers with OneKeyVisa: What are the most frequently asked questions in a job interview? Getting a job in the US is one of the most important things you must do after you immigrated, cause let’s face it, you want to live there, and to live in today’s world means you’re going to need money and to get the…

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