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Dos and Don’ts after a job interview

Dos and Don’ts after a job interview

Dos and Don’ts after a job interview: (Don’ts)   So far, we’ve learned about many things related to a job interview; such as how to write a CV, what not to put in our resume, job interview questions and …; and today we’re going to learn about another important part of “finding a job”: What are we supposed to Do/…

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How to increase my chances in a job interview?

How to increase my chances in a job interview? If you want to immigrate to the US, you should know that finding a job is a must. You need a job to improve, and who doesn’t like to improve? Also, you need a job to pay the rent, pay the universities tuition fees, pay for the food, clothes, and so…

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Improve your resume in 5 easy ways

Improve your resume in 5 easy ways: To have a great job, first, you have to write a great resume. As you know your resume is like the first impression for the employer; So you will have a greater chance if you have a good resume, but how can you improve it? Use keywords: First thing first, try to use…

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