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International students’ common mistakes in the US

International students’ common mistakes in the US: Well, we all kind of know what we should do as international students in the US, but do you know what we should not do? Let’s see: Do not take everything when you are immigrating; it is hard to take them on the plane and it is even harder to find a place…

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Important documents for f-1 interview

Important documents for f-1 interview: What documents should I have for the F-1 visa interview? One of the frequently asked questions by f-1 visa applicants is the kind of documents they need for an F-1 interview, before answering this question we shall talk about the visa interview itself and its importance in the visa process. As you might know the…

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USA and international students

USA and international students: A good deal of course is the one that can benefit both parties and the US relations with its protectors, international students, is something exactly like a great deal, but which party benefits the most? We let you decide: Based on the latest studies, international students helped more than 33 billion dollars in the US economy…

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Accounting in the US

Accounting and the future of its graduates in the US: Accounting has always had fans all around the world. The US and its universities are one of the best places for those who want to study this major. Research has shown that because of an increase in demand for accountants in the US, this major is going to improve by…

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10 fun facts about Thanksgiving you didn’t know

Happy Thanksgiving! 10 fun facts about Thanksgiving you didn’t know:   First Thanksgiving day was celebrated in 1621. Turkey was not among the first Thanksgiving foods. The first Thanksgiving took 3 days. Colchester, Connecticut (1705) was the first city that canceled Thanksgiving and postponed it to the next week. Back then, the Connecticut River was frozen due to the cold…

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Safest cities to live in the US

Safest cities to live in the US: Safety matters, it really and truly does. Imagine a world in which you have everything but safety, how do you feel about it? You have the best house ever but you are too scared to get out of it, you have the best job but you don’t feel safe there. Yes, you are…

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Best American industries to work in

Best American industries to work in: So tell me, what are the things you think about while you want to picture your future? Do you think about the place, the city you’re going to live in? How about your education? Your job? Friends? Income? As you know, your job is going to affect almost all of the other things. When…

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5 best Arts and humanities schools in the US

5 best Arts and humanities schools in the US: Today we’re going to take a look at the top 5 Arts and Humanities schools in the US, so follow us if you like to study in one of the majors related to this field:   Harvard University:   City and state: Cambridge, Massachusetts Best majors in this University: social sciences,…

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5 important points about budgeting and Evaluating Your Finances

5 important points about budgeting and Evaluating Your Finances: You’ll need money, to survive, to live, and to live well, you need to control your finances. Therefore, we can agree on the fact that financing is one of the most important skills in today’s world. Being able to manage your finances is an ability that can literally save you from…

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Everything about Labor Day in the US

Everything about Labor Day in the US: Today, the first Monday of September is called Labor Day in America. Labor Day is a federal holiday, which is annually celebrated to honor the American labor movements and to celebrate American workers who are responsible for the country’s improvement. For some people, Labor Day is the end of summer. But how did…

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