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Best American industries to work in

Best American industries to work in: So tell me, what are the things you think about while you want to picture your future? Do you think about the place, the city you’re going to live in? How about your education? Your job? Friends? Income? As you know, your job is going to affect almost all of the other things. When…

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STEM Applicants and an Enhancement in Visa Chances

US News with OneKeyVisa: STEM Applicants and an Enhancement in Visa Chances (US government supports those who work in STEM fields) According to a new report from the White House, America has widened up its doors toward STEM talents. The government always believed that attracting new talents is one of the main reasons behind America’s improvement and therefore has published…

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High Number of EB Immigrant Visas

US News with OneKeyVisa: USCIS: High Number of Employment-Based Immigrant Visas According to the United States Citizenship and Immigrant Services (USCIS) the country has witnessed an increase of 50% in the number of its employment-based immigrant visas in fiscal year (FY) 2021. This authority was able to issue more than 175000 employment-based visas in FY 2021. Even though the number…

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Best Engineering jobs in the US

Best Engineering jobs in the US: Well, we all know how popular engineering majors are among students, especially American students. America not only has prepared the best engineering programs but also has the best job opportunities for engineering graduates. Today we’re going to look at the best engineering jobs in the US But first tell me what is the best…

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How to write a formal letter?

How to write a formal letter? Are you planning on continuing your education in the US? If yes, then you better start learning how to write a formal letter because trust me, it will come in handy. You might need to write a letter/ an email to your professor or some other authorities then let’s be prepared. Heading: The first…

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Improve your resume in 5 easy ways

Improve your resume in 5 easy ways: To have a great job, first, you have to write a great resume. As you know your resume is like the first impression for the employer; So you will have a greater chance if you have a good resume, but how can you improve it? Use keywords: First thing first, try to use…

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How to increase my chances in a job interview?

How to increase my chances in a job interview? If you want to immigrate to the US, you should know that finding a job is a must. You need a job to improve, and who doesn’t like to improve? Also, you need a job to pay the rent, pay the universities tuition fees, pay for the food, clothes, and so…

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How to find a job in America?

How to find a job in America? Having a job is probably one of the most important things in your life. It is the exact thing you need to survive, especially in a country like the USA. I agree both finding a job and having one is a burden, a stressful case but: “Having a job causes so much stress,…

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5 Things to Do During a Job Interview

5 Things to Do During a Job Interview 

5 Things to Do During a Job Interview  Landing an interview is always exciting. However, it doesn’t take long for the excitement to give way to nervousness. You’re worried about making a good impression and getting hired. Fortunately, you can put yourself in the position to ace the interview by doing five things. These five things will help you impress…

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