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most frequently asked questions in a job interview

Questions and answers with OneKeyVisa: What are the most frequently asked questions in a job interview? Getting a job in the US is one of the most important things you must do after you immigrated, cause let’s face it, you want to live there, and to live in today’s world means you’re going to need money and to get the…

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what do most employers look for in an employee?

Job hunting techniques with onekeyvisa: what do most employers look for in an employee? Well, yes. Finding a job is not a piece of cake, but it’s not impossible. By knowing some little but important facts, you can find your dream job. As you know, the first thing that helps your employer see if you are suitable is your resume…

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STEM Applicants and an Enhancement in Visa Chances

US News with OneKeyVisa: STEM Applicants and an Enhancement in Visa Chances (US government supports those who work in STEM fields) According to a new report from the White House, America has widened up its doors toward STEM talents. The government always believed that attracting new talents is one of the main reasons behind America’s improvement and therefore has published…

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Improve your resume in 5 easy ways

Improve your resume in 5 easy ways: To have a great job, first, you have to write a great resume. As you know your resume is like the first impression for the employer; So you will have a greater chance if you have a good resume, but how can you improve it? Use keywords: First thing first, try to use…

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How to increase my chances in a job interview?

How to increase my chances in a job interview? If you want to immigrate to the US, you should know that finding a job is a must. You need a job to improve, and who doesn’t like to improve? Also, you need a job to pay the rent, pay the universities tuition fees, pay for the food, clothes, and so…

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How to find a job in America?

How to find a job in America? Having a job is probably one of the most important things in your life. It is the exact thing you need to survive, especially in a country like the USA. I agree both finding a job and having one is a burden, a stressful case but: “Having a job causes so much stress,…

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Difference Between CV and Resume: A Breakdown

Difference Between CV and Resume: A Breakdown

Difference Between CV and Resume: A Breakdown While many people use the terms CV and resume interchangeably, these are two different documents. Take a moment to learn the critical differences between the two. Then you’ll know which document to prepare and preseDifference Between CV and Resume: A Breakdown While many people use the terms CV and resume interchangeably, these are…

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3 Things That International Students Must Have On Their CV

3 Things That International Students Must Have On Their CV

CV or resume is almost a must-have for all international students. So here are three things that you must have on your resume / CV Contact Information Details of your contact, abilities and future goals and email address should be on the top, visible and clear. You can also write about your location such as city and Country or include…

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