F-1 Vize Rehberini İndirmek İçin Lütfen Aşağıdaki Bilgileri Doldurun

International students’ common mistakes in the US:
Well, we all kind of know what we should do as international students in the US, but do you know what we should not do? Let’s see:
- Do not take everything when you are immigrating; it is hard to take them on the plane and it is even harder to find a place for each of them especially if you are living in a dormitory.
- Do not ignore the importance of learning English.
- Do not spend all your time with those who are from your home country; try to find an American friend or at least an international student who is not from your country.
- Do not ignore the importance of finding a scholarship; try to find one ASAP.
- Do not wait until you’ve graduated to find a job; use CPT and OPT.
- Do not imagine everything in your life will stay the same; everything is going to change, how would your life turn out to be? That’s up to you.
- If you haven’t searched about America and if you are not willing to become familiar with its people and their culture, you are going to face serious problems.
- Not willing to leave your safety zone is just another mistake; if you like to succeed, then you have to get up and move.
- Do not have unrealistic dreams; because if they do not come true then your world will get darker and darker.
- Not Having a budget plan will destroy you.
- Not taking part in the university’s groups and events is not smart; these events and groups will help you more than you think.
- Not having a goal and a plan is not what you want, believe me.
- Not having a good diet is not healthy.
- Not having health insurance is probably the worst thing you might do.