Increase chances of getting a US student visa

Can I increase my chances of getting a US student visa? How?

Getting a US visa, beginning to study there, and starting to live just like what you’ve imagined, is a dream for you and many more. Maybe right now, at this point of time, you’re thinking that “well, it’s impossible for me to do all those things, a dream, like its name, is just a dream”

But let me tell you something, getting a US student visa and immigrating to this country is not impossible, might be a long process or even a little bit hard, but it’s NOT impossible; in fact, with a little bit of help from someone who both has the experience and knows everything, you can make your dream comes true and that is why we are here.

Now that we are on this subject, you must know that getting a US student visa sure depends on many factors, and today we’re going to answer one of the frequently asked questions:

How can you increase your chances of getting a US student visa?

If you are interested let’s take a look at some important points:


  1. University:

The university you’re going to choose matters. As you know there are thousands of higher education institutions in the US, and one of the most important things in this process is your acceptance letter; the university you’re going to choose has to be related to your goal and your purpose. If you make the right decision, it will help you during the visa interview.


  1. Field of study and the degree level:

Your chosen degree level and field of study can also help you a lot. These kinds of decisions should be made based on your conditions, your interests, and your goals; this is going to affect the consular officer’s decision.


  1. Preparation for the interview:

“Preparation is the Key to success” and it is the same in this process. In fact, here preparation is a MUST. You have to review some most asked questions, and you have to know how to answer each question, how to present your documents, and so on. One Key Visa is going to help you in this process; we’re going to prepare you with the help of former visa consular officers and we won’t ask you to go to the interview unless we feel you are ready.


  1. Filling in the forms:

Filling out the forms properly is just another key; find what documents are necessary and present them on time.


  1. Avoiding mistakes:

Tell a little lie and say goodbye to the US visa. Also, have it in mind that if you make a little mistake while filling in the forms or while talking to the consular officer, then he might think you are lying and he will reject you.


  1. Showing ties to your home country:

You must convince the consular officer that you are going to get back to your country after you have graduated, therefore, try to find strong reasons and documents that will show this.


  1. Previous trips to the US or another country:

It will really help you if you’ve had some previous trips, but it is not a must.


OneKeyVisa will help you to increase your chance. To get a free consultation, fill in our form.





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