F-1 Vize Rehberini İndirmek İçin Lütfen Aşağıdaki Bilgileri Doldurun

How can we turn the studying process into a fun activity?
All right let’s face it, studying is not considered entertainment; at least for most of us. It could be like torture sometimes, right? But we shouldn’t live a miserable life, should we? After all, we only live once.
So what should we do? Don’t study at all? Of course not. Instead, we can turn the studying process into a fun activity.
MAKE IT FUN is the solution you were looking for.
And if you make it fun, not only you won’t get tired but also you will learn better.
But how can we make it fun?
- Music:
There’s no problem that music can’t solve. Play music and study your lessons. (although some people might lose concentration while listening to music)
- Game:
Turn your lessons into a game. Flashcards can be useful.
- Competition:
As Carlos Slim once said “Competition makes you better, always even if the competitor wins” start a match between your friends and ask them some questions about the subject,
who answers the most, wins.
- Decoration:
Decorate your room, your table, or even your notebooks.
- Poem/ story/ play:
Turn all the information into a story, a play, or a poem; it will be fun.
- Challenge:
Set a new challenge for yourself. For example, each day study one thing more than the day before.