


Content Development

What’s your name?

Hi, Badri’s here.

What’s your title?

Content writer

What does your job entail?

Um, the best thing in the whole world, WRITING. I try to provide reliable, useful, and interesting content for the audience. The things you need to know, all in one place. AMAZING, is it NOT?

What is a typical day like?

Mostly like an average human being: waking up, eating, cleaning, reading, eating, working, writing, watching movies, eating, talking to loved ones, working out, sleeping.

Favorite memory?


What do you like most about your job?

Writing, writing, and more writing. It’s a dream job.

Where are you from?

I was born in Iran

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Reading, writing, watching movies, spending time with some friends, traveling. I just enjoy too many things. Good thing is that one of them is my job, right? Otherwise, I would have faced so many problems.

Who are your favorite sports teams?

Football? Real Madrid. Other sports? Not much a fan.

What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

I am an ALIEN. It can mean so many things, right?

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