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Aerospace Engineering in the US

Aerospace Engineering and the future of its graduates in the US:   What do you know about aerospace engineering? Is it the path you were seeking? Can you find a job related to this field in the US? Sure you can, this major has always had its fans and since it is changing so fast, America is trying to attract…

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Yale University

Yale University Do you see yourself in one of the greatest American universities? Is it your desired path? Have you heard of Yale University? Today we’re going to learn about this university. Let’s follow OneKeyVisa toward this amazing university. Location: New Haven, Connecticut Type: Private Date of establishment: 1701 Campus size: 373 acres Academic calendar: a semester-based academic calendar Yale…

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Accounting in the US

Accounting and the future of its graduates in the US: Accounting has always had fans all around the world. The US and its universities are one of the best places for those who want to study this major. Research has shown that because of an increase in demand for accountants in the US, this major is going to improve by…

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10 fun facts about Thanksgiving you didn’t know

Happy Thanksgiving! 10 fun facts about Thanksgiving you didn’t know:   First Thanksgiving day was celebrated in 1621. Turkey was not among the first Thanksgiving foods. The first Thanksgiving took 3 days. Colchester, Connecticut (1705) was the first city that canceled Thanksgiving and postponed it to the next week. Back then, the Connecticut River was frozen due to the cold…

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Safest cities to live in the US

Safest cities to live in the US: Safety matters, it really and truly does. Imagine a world in which you have everything but safety, how do you feel about it? You have the best house ever but you are too scared to get out of it, you have the best job but you don’t feel safe there. Yes, you are…

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The most famous universities in New York

US colorful facts, with OneKeyVisa: New York’s Open Arms to Int. Students We previously talked about California and how it has the Largest crowd of international students. Today, we’re going to take a look at the second state, NEW YORK. New York with its great universities and facilities has been the second choice for international students in the 2020-2021’s academic…

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5 best Arts and humanities schools in the US

5 best Arts and humanities schools in the US: Today we’re going to take a look at the top 5 Arts and Humanities schools in the US, so follow us if you like to study in one of the majors related to this field:   Harvard University:   City and state: Cambridge, Massachusetts Best majors in this University: social sciences,…

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Explore the Big Apple with the Magic School Bus

Explore the Big Apple with the Magic School Bus: Why do you go on a trip? To see new places?  To have new experiences?  Or To have fun? But what if you aren’t familiar with your destination? Can you have fun while you’re lost? I don’t think so. What is the solution then? Gather some useful information before your trip…

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Freshmen’s checklist

International Student Guide: Freshmen’s checklist “Hello all, welcome to the new semester” Are you excited about the new semester, in a new country, new city, and a new university? Are you ready for your new life? If you’re looking for improvement, now is the time. It is high time for you to prepare yourself for the new environment, the new…

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California and international students

US colorful facts, with OneKeyVisa: California at Int. students’ service or Int. students at California’s service? When Higher education is the case, California has always been among the first choices of international students; while looking for the reason for this privilege, we cannot underestimate the presence of many great universities in this American state. So far California has attracted many…

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