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eBook: electronically read your favorite English books

eBook: electronically read your favorite English books

eBook: electronically read your favorite English books: Learning English and being fluent is sure one thing that can help you after immigration to the US, and one great way to learn English- in fact, learning anything- is by reading. But how can you find English books? With the massive growth of technology, eBooks have become like a new trend; I…

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10 Steps Closer to a Better English Accent

10 Steps Closer to a Better English Accent: Well, you must be familiar with the perks of having a good English accent in a country like America and you should have already known that a better accent has a huge impact on your personal, educational, and professional life. Yes, knowing the grammar and being familiar with some useful vocabulary is…

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Best English Dictionary Applications

Best English Dictionary Applications: So what’s your answer if I asked you about the most important thing in learning English? Or let me ask you this: when can you say that someone knows English? When he can speak, listen, write and read. And what do all these skills share? The knowledge of vocabulary, right? You can speak, listen, write and…

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