Improve your resume in 5 easy ways

Improve your resume in 5 easy ways:

To have a great job, first, you have to write a great resume. As you know your resume is like the first impression for the employer;

So you will have a greater chance if you have a good resume, but how can you improve it?

  1. Use keywords:

First thing first, try to use all the keywords. How can you find them? Read the job advertisement carefully and underline the words you think are more important, use them in your resume.

  1. Keep it readable:

Sometimes the interviewer just scans through your resume so try to write a readable and easy-to-follow resume.

  1. Use numbers:

Try to add numbers wherever possible, especially in the experiments section. Numbers will magnify your achievements.

  1. Design your resume:

Resumes shouldn’t necessarily be like boring text. As it was mentioned before, your resume is like the first impression so be creative and design your resume (be careful and don’t overdo it).

  1. Read it again:

Read your resume before sending it. Any mistakes, major or minor, might cause a failure.



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