How to deal with homesickness?

How to deal with homesickness?

Homesickness is one of the most natural things that happens to people who have recently emigrated. It’s nothing out of the ordinary to miss your home and your loved ones, but you should not let this normal feeling cause any abnormal damage to your future.

But how to cope with homesickness?

For starters, you should accept your feelings, don’t run away from them. Sadness is completely normal, you’re not supposed to be happy all the time:  It’s okay not to be okay. you should know that homesickness is not a weakness; It happens to all of us so if you want to cry, then just cry. Give yourself some time, BUT don’t let your sadness rule your life;

Remember, it’s ok to be sad for a LIMITED amount of time, but you should soon help yourself feel better.


Arrange some me-time for like 30 minutes a day. Go to a calm place, close your eyes, breathe, think and do whatever makes you feel better.


You should always remember that:


in other words:


Once you have successfully dealt with these feelings, nothing can stop you.


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