Stands for: Graduate Management Admission Test

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a computer test, intended to asses certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA. It requires knowledge of certain specific grammar and knowledge of certain specific algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. It can be taken up to five times a year. Attempts must be at least 16 days apart

Test Score

The GMAT contains four distinct section types, although you’ll use the same critical thinking and analysis skills throughout the test, just like you will during your MBA coursework.

The content on the GMAT is broken down into four scored test sections, two of which are scored separately, and two of which are scored separately but are also combined to generate your composite score

Section Score Range Score Intervals
Analytical Writing Assessment 0 – 6 0.5
Integrated Reasoning 1 – 8 1
Quantitative 0 – 60 1
Verbal 0 – 60 1
Total Score 200 – 800 10

Test Format

The GMAT is a Computer-Adaptive Test or CAT. On the GMAT, the CAT actually adapts to your performance as you’re taking the test.

When you begin the GMAT, the computer assumes you have an average score and gives you a question of medium difficulty. As you answer questions correctly, the computer serves up more difficult questions and increases its estimate of your ability. And vice versa, as you answer incorrectly, the computer serves up easier questions and decreases its estimate of your ability. Your score is determined by an algorithm that calculates your ability level based not only on what you got right or wrong but also on the difficulty level of the questions you answered.

GMAT’s algorithm that determines your 200 to 800 score is often misunderstood, and there are many myths surrounding “cracking” the algorithm. The best way to “beat” the algorithm is to be prepared. However, because the adaptive nature of the test doesn’t allow for “skipping” questions, you will need to pace yourself and strike a balance between spending valuable time answering difficult questions correctly and possibly running out of time before you finished the test. There are significant penalties for leaving questions unanswered at the end of the exam.

For the Analytical Writing Assessment, your essay receives a score from one human reader and a computerized program, using a holistic 6-point scale. The Integrated Reasoning section is not adaptive, but as with the Quantitative and Verbal sections, you cannot leave questions unanswered or return to previous questions. The IR section is scored on a 1 to 8 scale.

You will receive your unofficial GMAT score immediately following the test when you will have the option to keep or cancel your score.

Percentile Total GMAT Score*
Top 10% of all test takers 710
Top 25% of all test takers 650
Top 50% of all test takers 580
Below 50th percentile of all test takers 570

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