3 Things That International Students Must Have On Their CV-tr

CV or a resume is almost a must have for all international students. So here are three things that you must have on your resume / CV

Contact Information

Details of your contact, abilities and future goalser and email address should be on the top, visible and clear . You can also write about your location such as city and Country or include your address completely.

Education and Experience

Including your complete academic history is important. Be sure to mention each education level that have completed and the year you completed it. The name of your school / university, your degree. Include your  Whether you are in college or high school or a fresh graduate you must add your previous education.

Certificate, awards and achievements

List all the relelevent courses that have taken. Don’t forget about the certificates that have taken throughout the years. Write the name of the courses, year that have completed it and the organization that you completed the course at. For certificates, do the same and include the issuing organization of the certificate.

Be sure that you use the same font size throughout the entire sheet. Be consistent with the font and the font size. Sometime simple is more effective

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